Monday, October 16, 2006

Globe-trotter Poet: Dennis Siluk, interviewed by Correo, Primica, and Pulitzer

1) El Concurso de Cuento Infantil y el Poeta Trotamundo

Spanish Version

Dennis L. Siluk, es un poeta trotamundo norteamericano que ancló en Huancayo, enamorado del Valle del Mantaro. El ya se ha hecho conocido en nuestros pueblos, donde participa en cada fiesta costumbrista que se realiza, como que recientemente estuvo con los Avelinos de san Jerónimo de Tunán.

“Es excelente que se les enseñe a los niños a fomentar el amor a la literatura y se promueva el amor a la naturaleza, a través de un concurso de cuento infantil sobre ecología y valores humanos” dice al referirse a nuestra convocatoria.

Según Dennis Siluk, hacer un cuento es una forma de aprender a valorar los recursos naturales. “Es muy importante enseñar a nuestros hijos desde temprana edad, a difundir el amor a la naturaleza y a la literatura”, señala.

El nos refiere que: “En el Distrito de Cajas el colegio Independencia me ha pedido dar charlas a los niños sobre temas de literatura inspirados en la ecología. Me considero un soldado viejo en esta lucha por difundir este tipo de literatura; pero ahora que me entero que hay este concurso ya no me siento tan solo porque desde que Correo ha comenzado a difundir su página de Ecología, se está tomando mayor interés por este tipo de temas”.

También remarca: “Cuando se les enseña a los niños a escribir literatura desde pequeños y a amar a la naturaleza y a su cultura, se les vuelve personas más sensibles, y luego todos sus bellos sentimientos plasmarán en una hoja. Y por supuesto se les forma mejor su autoestima y personalidad”.

Por último se dirige a los niños y adolescentes y les confiesa: “Quiero decirles a los niños que tienen un país maravilloso y tienen muchas cosas de las cuales se pueden sentir orgullosos y hacer que el Perú sea un país aún más grande de lo que es. ¡El Perú es un gigante dormido!, la nueva generación tiene que hacerlo despertar, porque tiene todo para ser una potencia”, concluyó.


The Contest of Children’s Story and the
Globe-trotter Poet

Dennis L. Siluk is a globe-trotter American poet who anchored in Huancayo, and has fallen in love with the Mantaro Valley. He has already become known in our towns, where he participates in every holiday that takes place, as in the most recent one that took in Jerónimo de Tunán with the Avelinos.

“It is excellent to teach the children to foment their love to literature and to promote the love of nature through a contest of children’s story on ecology and human values” he says referring to our announcement (contest).

According to Dennis Siluk, to write a story is a way of learning to value the natural resources. “It is very important to teach our children since early age, to spread the love to the nature and to the literature,” he indicated.

He told us that: “The College Independence, In the District of Cajas, has asked me to talk to the children about literature inspired by the ecology. I consider myself to be an old soldier in this struggle for spreading this type of literature; but now that I find out that there is this contest already, I do not feel alone because since Correo has begun to publish its page of Ecology, major interest is taking for this type of topics ".

He also stresses: “When literature is taught to the children since early ages, as well, the love of nature along with his and her culture, they become more sensitive persons, and then all their beautiful feelings are put onto a piece of paper. And certainly their self-esteem and personality is formed better.”

Finally he addresses and confesses to the children (by saying): “I want to say to the children they have a wonderful country and have many things of which they can feel proud of and to make Peru to become bigger than it is. Peru is a sleeping giant! The new generation has to wake it wake up, because it has everything to be a powerful country” he concluded.

2)—Periódico (9-18-2006): “Primicia”

“…Dennis Siluk, North American poet…fell in love with the Mantaro Valley…he writes in his works…. The landscape, the customs of the city…the food of the city (…all seems to come from an inspiration he draws out of the, and is captivate by, this region).
‘Huancayo is a modern city that keeps its traditions…and its colorful fair (Sunday market))…I hope it does not change…”’

—(Editor: Mr. Nilo Calero Perez)

Dennis Siluk was awarded Poet Laureaate of San Jeronimo, Peru (2005), and the in October, 2006, the Cross of the City. Los Andes University, along with the Mayor of San Agustin de Cajas, and Director Mauro Rosales E. of the Institucion Educativa Privada “Independencia” acknowledged Dennis’ contribution to the culture of the Mantaro Valley. Furthermore, Mayor Jesus Chipana Hurtado of Cocepcion, has asked Dennis to write a poem for the Inauguration of the new statue of the Virgin Mary.

3) Columbia University in the City of New York

“The Pulitzer Prizes”
Office of the Administrator

September 5, 1984

“…Cassie’s Guide and Text Book…It is clearly a book many people will find valuable. …”

Robert C. Christopher
(The Pulitzers Prize Board)


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